Review– June 17

Out of the Fog
Georgia is a vastly intimidating old battleaxe of a teacher, determined on bringing her grade five and six students “out of the fog” of childhood and into the “screaming light” of reality through strict treatment and hard questions. The play is made up of her meetings with her school’s guidance counselor, who’s convinced that Georgia’s approach is doing nothing but harm. It’s only when tragedy strikes that they find some common ground, uniting their approaches as they attempt to right a wrong.

Wonderfully written and performed (I was especially impressed with the show’s child actor, Alexander Fitchev, who I understand will be tag teaming with another actor for the length of the run), this forty-five minute play could easily be built up into something longer without stretching the audience’s attention span. Definitely one of the “hidden gems” of this year’s festival, I would recommend it to anyone interested in the education system, or who remembers a particularly bright star of a teacher from grade school.

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    June 2012

